Un usuario Pregunto ✅
Good afternoon, I have a table called payroll which has the date of entry and retirement of personnel.
I have a measure called "trabajadores activos" which calculates the daily active personnel according to the date of entry and retirement.
All okay until I insert the information for the following month since the information is mixed because it is not related to a calendar table because my payroll does not have the daily personnel records. How could I relate my measure "active workers" in the calendar table to have daily records per month or, failing that, how could I generate a summary table with daily records according to my measure?
A possible solution is to generate daily records according to the date of entry and withdrawal, for example if a person entered on 06/01/2021 and stopped on 06/05 2021 to generate:
That would be a possible solution but what happens if you have 5000+ workers in the company and that have been going on for years, it would generate millions of lines and it would not be viable. So I think a solution would be to generate a summary table per day but I don't know how to do it
Hola @abegum,
>> Todo bien hasta que inserte la información del mes siguiente ya que la información es mixta porque no está relacionada con una tabla de calendario.
¿Cuál es la estructura de su nuevo complemento de datos? Le sugiero que transforme los datos que son un nuevo complemento a la estructura más antigua en lugar de cambiar la estructura original. ¿Podría mostrarnos algunos datos de muestra para sus nuevos datos de complemento? Entonces podemos ayudarlo con mayor precisión.
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Dedmon Dai